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Landing Page Vs Home Page: What is the Difference?

The landing page and a Home page are quite confusing terms for most of the people out there. Many of you think they both are the same thing with different names. Completely wrong. Both terms are different from each other.

Both the terms are not synonymous. They have different objectives. Being an experienced landing and home page builder-developer, I am going to highlight the detailed overview of landing page vs home page.

A landing page is a web page which is specifically designed for purpose such as advertising campaign, marketing, and gather visitor’s information.

On the other hand, the home page is the starting page of your website which comes with a navigation bar that gives links to different sections within the particular website.

Both the platform is way different:

1. If I talk about the Home page, its primary objective is to inspire the visitor to go to another page and explore the information that they need.

2. But when it comes to a Landing page, its main objective is to satisfies the informational needs of your visitors. Your customers will get exactly what they are looking for.

Still confused, right? Okay for more clarification let’s have look at the table below and find out how they are different from each other.

Sr.No Landing Page Homepage
1. Number of Pages A single page that leads to a thank you page after sign up A single page on your website that’s used by your domain.
2. Information Provides information about a specific product or offer Provide you a complete overview of your business
3. Functionality In most cases, it uses images, a call-to-action, text, and a sign-up form. The homepage has images, calls-to-action, text, links to other pages, and buttons. It may also contain video or sign-up forms.
4. Navigation No navigation or navigation jumps to different anchor points on the page itself Has links to all other pages on the website
5. Focus To drive conversions The homepage provides information about your services and leads customers or clients to the next logical step.

A Complete Overview of Landing Page and a Homepage:

What is a Landing Page?

leading page vs home page

A Landing page on your website is a page that is focused on getting visitors to take action. The main purpose of creating this page is to generate traffic on your website from several sources. In other words, it is a page that you link to in social media campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Google, etc ), paid advertising campaigns, and email.

It is usually a stable URL that is indexed by search engines, as opposed to a temporary splash or jump pages to move traffic to your website for marketing purposes.

Here is some example of the things that will help you to increase the traffic to your website:

Lead generation by submitting a form

  • To call you
  • Make a purchase
  • Register for an event
  • Reach you via chat
  • Subscribe to an email list or newsletter

Having a website with appealing landing pages can help you to generate more traffic and improve user experience. But it has been noticed by the studies, most of the business didn’t give much focus on the landing page because of the time crunch.

But thankfully there are useful tools out there to help you in building a landing page in a fraction of the time. Unbounce, Google Sites, Launchaco, Carrd, etc are some of the famous names for this.

But Unbounce has a different place among all these tools. I am not saying others are less popular but I have tried Unbounce for once and can as Unbounce page builder-developer, that you might get a nice experience with it.

What is the Home Page?

The home page of your website serves as a starting point for your website. It is a default page of your website that loads when you visit a web address that contains a domain name. For example, you are visiting will display the technical terms of the home page.

It is located in the root directory of a website. Home pages also act as a virtual directory for a website. They provide you a top-level menu where you can go deeper into various areas of your website.

For instance, a classic website has a homepage with menu items like about page, products page, services page, contact page, etc. Also, the homepage often serves some orient visitors by giving titles, headlines, images, and visuals that show what your website is all about.

A good homepage should have the following things:

1. Provides you a comprehensive overview of your website
2. Help visitors to connect with you in other ways
3. Occupies the root domain
4. Navigate visitors to every other important permanent page pf your site.

For creating an amazing home page for your WordPress site. There are different pages builders available on web like Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, Visual Composer, etc.

And as an experienced page builder-developer, I can say Divi and Elementor have their own space and comes on top of the list. Both are the most famous and commonly used page builder platform.

Both the builders come with the drag and drop feature which provides an ease to build a web page for even non-technical people.

Suggested Read: – Top 5 Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builder

What Makes a Good Landing Page?

Landing Page vs Home Page

1. Clean And Organized Design

The structure of your page design gives a huge impact on the effectiveness of your landing page. The main goal of your landing page should be made easy for visitors to convert. That is the reason it is essential that every element of your page work towards the conversion objective, no matter it is for filling out a form, signing up for the newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading an eBook.

2. Header to Broadcast Offer Value

A good landing page needs to have a strong offer and will be able to explain why your offer is valuable in clear and concise terms. The subheading and heading of your landing page provide you a key opportunity to promote the value of your offer.

3. Minimalist

A nice landing page gives all useful information needed to encourage visitors to convert. You don’t need to provide any extra information because too much information that will guide visitors down the funnel.
The information you are providing front and center should be easily scannable- the best landing page uses bullet points to explain details when possible.

4. Make Your Page Mobile-Friendly For Users

It is an important step you need to take for making a good landing page. These days it is important that your landing page can easily be navigated on mobile devices. It has been proven that having a mobile-friendly website can increase your conversion rate.

But you need need to be sure that your landing page should look and feel good on every smartphone. It should be easy to navigate, ultra clickable, and fast loading.

5. Tailor Your Landing Pages

If you have a great offer to provide your audience and also promoting it well then you can get traffic from several different sources. A user that arrives at your landing page from a Twitter or Facebook post is quite different than a user that arrive at your landing page from PPC ad (pay-per-click) or a link from your monthly newsletter.

What Makes a Good Home Page?

1. Logo

The logo of your website is a core of your business branding and identity, so it needs to be visible at the top of your site. It is the tangible representation that encompasses your services or products and also a key piece for clients to recognize and connect with your brand.

2. Headline

A paragraph or headline with sub-headline text should provide a clear description of your business and what services you provide to your audience. This is mainly a two-three sentence of memorable, powerful, and concise text that targets your viewer’s needs.

3. Navigation

Navigation is another important feature that your website should include in the header. If the content of your website is heavy then a search box can be a valuable asset to include in it. The navigation menu of your website needs to be easy to locate for your visitors.

The navigation is just like a road map and it is essential to give visitors an overview of the content and help them to locate the information they are seeking.

4. Social Proof

Providing customer reviews or testimonials is another powerful way to stimulate trust and establish your expertise. The social proof shows a clear picture to your audience that you know what you are doing and provides key insights to your service or product.

5. Footer

Footer of your website is as important as your header navigation. When your visitor reaches at the end of your homepage, the area should provide three features and i.e, contact information, social media integration, and links.

The contact information enforces your visitor to get in contact with you. Links are helpful to provide a mini-sitemap or encourage your users to check out the interior pages. Social media links are the best way to encourage your visitors to engage with you.

Main Objective of Landing Page and Home Page

The Purpose Of Having Landing Page

A landing page is meant to give all essential information which needed for a reader to take one well-defined action. This action can be buying your product, leaving an inquiry, or email.

It can also be called a conversion page where you will get a response from the user and most of the time it is tied with the campaign where the end goal is sales.

The Purpose of Having Home Page

Homepages are meant to provide key information around your website that will give information to your users which will help them to learn more about your product and brand.

The home page of your website is the very first impression of your business and is meant to inspire a reader to navigate to other pages of your website.

Key Differences Between Landing Page and Home Pages

Well with the above information, you already know landing pages are about getting your customers to take the desired action and the homepage is about the first impression and navigation. Now its time to go through the specifics of what makes these pages different from each other.

1. In the Home page, Traffic Comes From Many Resources

As I have discussed above, your homepage is the front desk of your website presence and your visitors come from different sources like organic SEO, your Instagram, or Facebook page. The home page of your website is meant to channel all these traffic into the content and information that your customer wants to find. The information could be anything from:

Like your new users seeking more information about your brand or product, which means they heading to your about us page.

Users want to learn more about your services after hearing about your online results, they will head to explore your service page.

The blog post readers might want to learn more about your company as a whole, they will also go to your home page to get a top-down view of what you are offering to them.

Landing Page Target Specific Customer

A landing page is meant to drive conversion and is usually the final step of an ad campaign. One of the best ways to market your brand is through targeted landing pages.

Your targeted landing pages are personalized landing pages which you will drive specific customer personas, whether from paid advertising or organic posting.

2. Homepages Showcases The Brand & Business As A Whole

A perfect homepage will give the whole information about your entire brand and services and ensures the users will have complete knowledge of your business. An effective homepage will showcase:

  • The credibility of your business (Social proof and testimonials)
  • The prime selling point of the brand/business
  • The company’s content (blog, eBooks, and video)
  • Offer on different products and services.

Landing Page Connects With The Ads

Your website landing page draws an instant connection between the ad that your users clicked on and lands directly on your landing page. Post click landing page encourages the visitor to perform a specific conversion goal.

The conversion goals depend on the campaign you are running. A post-click landing page conversion goal includes:

  • Request a quote
  • Free product demo
  • Download an eBook or white paper
  • Sign up for your service
  • Watch a webinar
  • Sign up for email newsletter
  • Get a free consultation

3. Homepages Use Positioning Copy

The homepage is all about posting and creating a powerful first impression of your business. But it does not mean pushing customers to convert or capture the sale. It is for ensuring visitors to understand that this is only credible of your business that deliver what you have promised.

Landing Page Uses Value-based & Benefit-driven Copy-writing

Unlike homepage, landing page copy is all about creating enough value in the user’s mind until they sign-up and convert what you are offering. And this can only be done via sales copy writing which is quite benefit-driven.
The best way to do this is by highlighting the huge benefit and justifying through the features. This will speedily bring focus to what is essential for users.

4. Strategic Linking & Navigation Is Key

If I talk about the landing page then it is only for driving one single action. But on the other hand, the homepage has to account numerous desires that means there will be a need for a lot of links.

It might be obvious for you to fill in your top navigation bar with some right links (your about us page, your services, blog post, etc.) but it has to be more strategic.

Landing Pages Are Distraction-Free & Drive One Single Action

The main purpose of the landing page is to drive action to capture the sale. The home page hosts numerous links that help navigation, but landing page strips away distractions and informs the users of what is necessary and push them to discussion point- the CTA (call-to-action) and an attractive button to click.

5. Homepages Use Broad-Based Social Proof

No matter it is a landing page or homepage, you have to build trust in your audience before you prospect will take the next action- whether it is about navigating deeper into your website or converting into a sale. All this action can be done via social proof.

But the kind of social proof from homepages needs to be broad-based that will cater to a wide range of your visitors.

Landing Pages Use Highly Targeted Social Proof

Another thing about social proof is, it helps you to build trust and it might be tempting to throw as much possible on to the landing page of your website. If you are selling big corporations. Then having a big brand logos is the best social proof you need to highlight.

But it might not be beneficial if you are trying to target small businesses or startups. Whether it is influence endorsements, review ratings, customer testimonials, or media awards. You must match your social proof to your customer personal.

When You Should Use Home Page or Landing Page?

There are three situations to use home page

1. You can use a Landing page when you are selling multiple products or services and want to showcase different offers to your visitors.

2. When there is a lot of depth in your business website (you have a blog, resources, pricing pages, customer testimonial pages) and your visitors need to navigate to that information for the best understanding of your offer.

3. When your website has lots of information to showcase (such as business process and company history) and you want to create a brand.

There are also three situations to use landing page

1. Landing pages can be used when you are offering a new service or product because landing pages are the best way to test the response in a highly measurable way.

2. When you want to collect subscribers/email in exchange for something of value (It can be a discount coupon or eBook etc.) A landing page helps your visitors to stay focused and convert without being distracted.

3. You can also use a Landing page when you want to target a specific customer or specific service or product via targeted ads on Facebook or Google.


With the above landing page vs home page overview, you will get to know the landing and home page both are completely different from each other. Both have different specifications and used for a different purpose.

But both the terms are the essential part of your website. Because if a landing page helps you to convert your visitor into leads then the home page provides complete information about your product and services.

So it is clear that both the pages play a vital role in maintaining your business and helps you in generating more traffic and leads on your website.

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